Fed up of BORING non sustainable exercise regimes? Do you have a lack of motivation and want to have that 'get up and go' feeling every single day?
Then let ME help YOU!
I am an experienced personal trainer who looks to make training not only fun but totally effective. I have achieved unbelievable results with clients. I can guarantee with hard work that you will feel energised and revitalised, running high off natural endorphins!
I offer a variety of services varying from '1-2-1 training', 'lunchtime high intensity' and my most popular 'couples training' where you can split the cost and double the fun! I do all my sessions at a location that suits YOU - whether that be your local park or the comfort of your own home!
For prices - please check out my website linked on the advert (for some reason website isn't available, contact me and I will send it over!)
So make that first step and drop me a message so we can book you in!
I look forward to hearing from you
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