DREADLOCKS: ORGANIC NATURAL HAND-MADE/CROCHET TECHNIQUE . Holistically creating, caring and loving
Get a professional service for an HONEST and competitive price!
Although it has become a fashionable style, dreadlocks will always be meant to HUMBLE PEOPLE, reason why you can get HIGH QUALITY services from the AFFORDABLE price I offer.
Send me a whatsapp/email for a fast and free online consultation or call me to arrange a visit so that I can answer to all your questions.
I understand that getting dreads for the first time can be challenging, so before deciding, you can even come and see me for a face to face free chat after which you might even decide not to get them.. and still have found a mate! ;)
After all, what do we live this life for!??
I CAN : _make natural organic dreadlocks (whole head, single dreads)
_repair damaged ones
_fix only root or whole length
_ extend your locks with real hair (preferably, but can do with synthetic too if you provide it)
The TECHNIQUE I've been proudly developing for myself in the years of experience is based on a NO PAIN concept: whoever thinks that getting dreads means going through pain has the wrong idea about it and I (together with the hundreds of dreads I made) can prove that to you! :)
Another important aspect of my technique is the fact that
I DO NOT backcomb!
_reducing the breakage to a minimum _maximising the length:
your hair will shorten to a maximum of 1/3 only! (anyone familiar with new dreads knows how much the hair gets short and damaged with most of the available techniques, NOT WITH MINE! :)
I divide you hair following a specific well thought design (chosen involving your willing too), create a scratch of dread by hand and the light help of a tail comb, and then refinish it with the hook.
_ a perfect, HEALTHY central Web that matures beautifully with little time
_ a happy and satisfied Client ALWAYS !
ask for extra info about it.
I will treat your scalp and hair in a HOLISTIC and totally natural way which will get you to connect with me and feel completely comfortable in the space I offer.
You will be free from dandruff and sores as my GENTLE ART will STRENGTHEN your roots.
I also offer advise and support in maintaining your locks, can TEACH YOU how to take care of the lengths too.
Trust me and you won't regret it.
Check out what people say about my work.
Website coming soon! !! ;)
I'm based in East London E2 0QA
A un prezzo competitivo offro un servizio professionale.
Mandami una mail per un appuntamento gratuito così che possa rispondere a tutte le tue domande.
Posso: _fare dread naturali (testa intera, dread singoli)
_riparare dread danneggiati
_mantenimento di dread preesinstenti
Non preocuparti per il prezzo poiché potremmo parlarne già durante l'appuntamento.
Por um preço competitivo ofereço um serviço professional!
Me mande um email para uma consulta gratuita assim que eu possa responder a todas as suas perguntas.
Posso: _fazer dreads naturais (cabeça toda, single dreads)
_arrumar dreads danificados
_mantener dreads jà existentes
Nao se preocupe por o preço pois podemos falar disso jà durante a consulta gratuita.
Por un precio competitivo servicio prefesional!
Mandame una email para una consulta gratuita para que pueda responder a todas sus preguntas.
Puedo: _hacer dreadlocks naturales (en toda la cabeza, Rastas solos)
_arrumar dañados
_mantener existentes
No te preocupes por el precio ya que podemos hablar de esto
durante la consulta gratuita.
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